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Getting Started With A Student Visa

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If you are interested in traveling to another country, maybe just to visit or maybe to stay for a while, then you will likely need a visa. However, the visa process can look a little complicated to the uninitiated. To help you get a better idea of what you will need to do in order to travel internationally, here is an explanation of one such visa type: the student visa.

Student Visas

This type of visa is extremely common, since traveling abroad for study has become so popular in the 21st century. In most countries, the process is pretty simple, although it often has one very strict requirement: that you have already been accepted to an educational institution. Once you have been accepted, that school will then often help guide you through the process of acquiring a visa.

The Process in the United States

For example, if you wanted to study abroad in the United States and were accepted to a university, you would be sent an I-20 form. Filling out this form will enter you as an applicant in the visa process, which means that you will next need to have an interview at the United States embassy in your country.

Once you have scheduled this interview, you should fill out a DS-160 form online. Once you have paid your fees and successfully completed your interview, your visa will usually be granted. Unfortunately, you might need to wait longer if the background check on you and your family turned up some details that worry the embassy.

What Does the Interview Entail?

The interview is meant to determine not only whether or not you will have the tools necessary to succeed in the foreign country, but also whether you plan to return home after finishing your education.

In many cases, your visa will only be granted if you can prove that you have the financial support that is necessary to live in the country in question. In addition, you might have a hard time getting a visa if you don't have the best grades. When combined, a strong financial foundation and academic record provide an indicator of success that will greatly increase your chances of being granted a visa.

Finally, many countries do want to make sure that you have a clear intent to return home after finishing, particularly if you are studying in a country that has a better standard of living than your home country. Many countries in western Europe and America are concerned about individuals that wish to immigrate permanently under the pretext of a student visa. If you need help, contact an immigration attorney.
